
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

'Tis the Season

Heading into the month of December most people will have already experienced Black Friday and Cyber Monday gift grabbing. But what if there could be a method to the madness? What if your gift giving became two-fold? A gift for your loved ones AND a gift for a stranger? Would you jump at the chance to show kindness to a stranger or would you balk at the idea of giving without knowing the receiver's heart?

After experiencing a terrible "Black Friday" ordeal at a Target store a few years ago, I have completely stayed away from the greed that ensues immediately after a day of supposed thanksgiving for what we already enjoy. Watching people push, shove, insult, and basically maul other shoppers and the store employees was a major wake up call to what I had become. I fully intended that year for nothing to get in my way of my securing the "necessary" Christmas item at a "deep" discount. I stood in line getting antsy and counting the number of people ahead of me, while trying to figure out my odds and the best angles for success. Once I was in the store I was sickened at the realization that I had become a greedy, consumer-ridden individual fighting for "survival."

Fast-forward: 2012. Time and great contemplation have allowed me to refocus my priorities. Yes, I still love to give gifts to my family and friends. I actually enjoy finding unique things for them. I like to shop local small businesses and support my community. I like to shop where I can support independent vendors who are creating and crafting a new way for me to give unique gifts. I like to shop antique stores where I can embrace the motto of "reduce, reuse, and recycle." I like to shop American and support small businesses trying to effect change in their communities across the US. I like to shop businesses that find it important to give back to those in need. Because face it, even the poorest American is richer than most people in other areas around the globe.

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